The Arting Journey
In 2017, Mist the one-eyed collie was unwell. She was my best friend.
I had dabbled with adult colouring before then, but started to use it as a coping
mechanism while we went through numerous treatments and surgeries. It was
enough to keep my mind off what was going on, without feeling overwhelming,
and allow me to have a creative outlet - something I learned previously was
important for my mental health. Despite our best efforts after several months,
we had to put Mist to sleep.
I was devastated. It left the biggest, gaping, unfillable hole in my life and the
thought of not seeing her face ever again was unbearable. I had to find ways of
bringing good memories of her to life if I was going to move forward.
I wanted to be able to draw her.
You know, properly.
I figured I could conjure her up any time I wanted, and eventually be able to draw her doing anything, anywhere, any time. The thought comforted me. I started to sketch, learned the basics and, well, haven't stopped since. I drew my first portrait of Mist eleven months after starting to draw. I'm planning the next one soon.
I have found so much joy, excitement and happiness in art, as well as a way to process emotions and balance my mental health, and I wanted to share it with others. If anyone could take anything from what I was doing, even just a few people, I figured that could only be a good thing. I started my YouTube channel and the Colour Cave was born.
My favourite medium will always be pencil - the slow, methodical techniques and the texture of pencil on paper is very satisfying for me, and I'm at my happiest with a plain old graphite pencil and a sketchbook. In February 2019 I started dabbling with watercolour and surprisingly got to enjoy it.
I am so early in my art journey and have so much to explore. I don't even have a definitive art style yet. I'm excited and happy to see what's in store and where I can take my skills next. Hopefully I can continue to improve and try a myriad of mediums, and bring Mist to life through art.
Maybe you'll come along for the ride too.

Mist with Jock in 2017

The first drawing of Mist, November 2018